
How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System For a Drug Test?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a compound derived from cannabis plants like hemp or marijuana which has been used as an herbal supplement for centuries now. Most commonly it has been used as a treatment for ailments such as epilepsy, chronic pain, arthritis, and more recently anxiety; not only because these conditions can be debilitating but because CBD is a natural and effective treatment.

CBD has been shown to provide certain health benefits for those who need relief from symptoms of various conditions. It does this by reducing inflammation as well as the painful symptoms associated with such issues as arthritis, seizures, diabetes, gout, and more.

Despite CBD’s many positive qualities it can remain in your system for a long time and depending on how often you take it, can stay there even longer. The good news is that CBD does not accumulate and stays the same (high or low) in the body if it is taken regularly over time, but those who are new to taking CBD may notice that it stays in their system much longer than those who are used to taking it.

How Much CBD Stays in the Body?

The amount of time that CBD stays in your body depends on various factors including the type of product you use, dosage size, and more. Most users report that CBD can be detected by drug tests for roughly 4-6 weeks after the last intake which means that CBD can stay in your system for multiple weeks.

The good news is that CBD does not accumulate and stays the same (high or low) in the body if it is taken regularly over time, but those who are new to taking CBD may notice that it stays in their system much longer than those who are used to taking it.

The amount of time that CBD stays in your body depends on various factors including the type of product you use, dosage size, and more. Most users report that CBD can be detected by drug tests for roughly 4-6 weeks after the last intake which means that CBD can stay in your system for multiple weeks.

The good news is that CBD does not accumulate and stays the same (high or low) in the body if it is taken regularly over time, but those who are new to taking CBD may notice that it stays in their system much longer than those who are used to taking it.

The factors that can alter CBD’s stay in your body include:

Consumption Methods

To put it simply, the consumption method may determine how long CBD stays in your system.

If you consume CBD using a food supplement it will pass through your digestive tract and then enter into your liver where it will be metabolized before being distributed to the rest of the body. This is where the biggest difference between smoking and vaping comes in as if you vape CBD it enters your bloodstream immediately through your lungs before being distributed to other parts of the body, making it a much faster process which also decreases how long it remains in your system by a significant margin.

Read more: Can You Use Oral CBD Topically?

Dosage Size

Another factor that can determine how long CBD stays in your system is dosage size.

For example, it is known that if you are taking CBD sublingually (letting it sit under the tongue) its effects are felt almost immediately, usually within 10-20 minutes after consumption.

The same cannot be said about ingested products as they have to go through the digestive tract and pass through your liver which can take hours before it’s fully digested, by which time its effects may have already worn off.

Tolerance (Frequency of Use)

CBD builds up in your system over time so the more frequently you consume CBD, even if it is at low dosages, the longer it will remain in your system.

For example, if you are taking CBD products that are designed for daily use, whereas before you were only using them every now and then, they will accumulate in your body over time making them detectable in tests for a long period of time.

On the other hand, if you don’t take CBD every day it will clear out of your system faster than if you were consuming it on a regular basis.


This is one factor that can determine how long CBD stays in your system as the metabolism rate of each individual varies greatly.

People who have very fast metabolisms may find that CBD clears from their system faster as a result of their body’s high metabolism rate, whereas those with slower metabolisms may notice that it stays in their system for longer.

The most important thing to remember about CBD is that it accumulates and will build up in your system if you take too much of it regularly, so although the effects may be good, the high concentrations could cause users to fail drug tests.

Other Factors

There are several other factors that can determine how long CBD stays in your system including:

– Body Fat Percentage – This is because CBD tends to attach itself to fatty tissues in the body which can slow down its release.

– Exercise – If you exercise regularly, this could speed up your metabolism and clear CBD from your system at a faster rate.

– Age – As you age, your metabolism tends to slow down which can cause CBD to accumulate in the body. 

At the end of the day, it all comes down to how often you are taking CBD and what dosage size you are taking it at.

As most users have reported that CBD will remain detectable in their systems for around one month after their last dose, this is a rough estimate you can go by if you are required to take a drug test.

However, we know that CBD comes in many different forms and people metabolize it at different rates so what may be true in general may not apply to everyone.

This is why we suggest that if you are taking CBD products on a daily basis, as well as following the other factors that affect how long CBD stays in your system, take into account that it could be detectable for longer than four weeks after your last dose.

What Determines CBD’s Effect Duration?

CBD’s ability to stay in your system ultimately has to do with how it is ingested, how fast it is removed, and what percentage of the dose makes it past your system.  Generally speaking, the larger your dose of CBD oil for instance, the longer it will stay in your system.  This is largely due to the fact that CBD oil has a much higher fat solubility than other forms of consumption.

Another factor that determines how long CBD stays in your system is how frequently you take it. If you use it once a week, then the amount of time that it remains in your system will be much shorter than if you were to use it multiple times per day.

Another major factor that affects how long CBD stays in your system is its bioavailability. This refers to the percentage of CBD present in an oral dose that makes it into your bloodstream. With regards to CBD oil, this number may vary depending on how you take it (i.e., vaping, tinctures, beverages, capsules, and more).

Finally, CBD’s half-life varies by the type of product that it is in and your body’s unique metabolism.  The general rule of thumb is: the smaller the molecules (water-soluble) the quicker it leaves your system; for example, if you use an oil-based CBD product your CBD will stay in your system longer than if you use a water-soluble CBD such as a tincture.

But it is important to keep in mind that the only way to be completely certain how long CBD stays in your system, or whether or not any amount remains, is when you are tested via urinalysis which is the only way to detect CBD presence in your urine.

Read more: Can You Mix CBD and Xanax?

Will CBD Oil Show Up on a Drug Test?

Although a drug test should not capture cannabinoids from CBD oil, it’s always a good idea to check the policies of the company you’re working for. There have been people who were fired after positive drug tests for cannabis even though they used CBD oil and had stopped using any other form of cannabis. Some companies may decide to make an exception for CBD oil, but it is best to check their policy and confirm.

Even though CBD may not be detectable for a longer time, many cannabinoids can still be detected in your body for several months after consumption. Of course, you should consult with the employer that drug tests are necessary and any information about CBD use should be discussed ahead of time.

Read more: Can CBD Help You Quit Smoking?

How Long Will CBD Oil Stay In My Hair?

A hair drug test is a much more accurate method of testing for the presence of cannabis use. It can sense trace amounts from as little as 2 or 3 months ago, but typically between 90 and 120 days after last use.

One thing to note about hemp-derived CBD is that it can cross into your body from food or other products. Even just touching surfaces exposed to hemp oil will leave trace amounts of cannabinoids on your skin. In order to avoid false positives, many companies ask for a topical application test.

It should be noted that even if you don’t use CBD products, there are still going to be cannabinoids in your hair follicles. Cannabinoids HHC (endocannabinoids) are actually created by the body itself, and this creates metabolic byproducts that you can sometimes measure with a drug test.

How Long Will CBD Oil Stay In My Urine?

Cannabinoids are fat-soluble so you’ll need to drink lots of water throughout the day. For this reason, CBD will be detectable in urine for much longer than other methods due to its stability in lipids.

The concentration of cannabinoids in urine is typically very low, but still, some individuals can test positive even when they haven’t consumed anything. This is especially true if you dabble in other types of cannabinoids, such as THC or CBN.

Typically, CBD will be detectable for between 1 and 2 months after last use, depending on the dosage and frequency of consumption.

Frequent use can cause metabolites to stay in your urine longer than infrequent users. CBD metabolites are detectable in urine for up to 6 months after last use.

How Long Will CBD Oil Stay In My Saliva?

CBD metabolites can be present in saliva for several days, typically not longer than a week, depending on the amount of cannabinoids consumed and the frequency of consumption. For this reason, it is extremely important to avoid consuming CBD products in the days leading up to a saliva test.

 If you consume CBD, it will show up in your saliva for a few days at most. This is why it’s important to abstain from CBD use in the days prior to a saliva test.

How Long Does CBD Oil Stay In the Blood?

The most accurate way to determine whether you have consumed CBD products is by looking at levels of cannabinoids through blood testing. This test can be administered on its own or in conjunction with other tests like urine drug tests, hair drug tests, and saliva tests.

Blood time is the most accurate method of determining recent CBD use, but it’s also very expensive and can’t be administered at a normal doctor’s office.

Some CBD products contain other cannabinoids, such as THC and CBN, so it’s important to check with the company you’re purchasing from for more accurate results.

The metabolites of these cannabinoids will not typically show up in your system within the standard time frame of a blood test, but companies may ask for a follow-up test.

Key Takeaway

People have asked us about CBD and how long it will stay in your system. This is a great question because the factors which determine this are many! But don’t worry – we can help you answer these questions. We know that frequency of use refers to how often you take CBD on a daily basis; dosage refers to how many milligrams you take per day; consumption methods refer to whether you smoke/vape or eat cannabis-based products like edibles, and metabolism rates refer to your processing substances such as food. Your genetics also play a role in what happens with CBD too — so make sure not only do you consider all of these variables but also understand where they come from within yourself before making any decisions.

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